1 Paul with Onesiphorus in a cave. 7 Thecla discovers Paul; 12 proffers to follow him: 13 he exhorts her not for fear of fornication.

IN the mean time Paul, together with Onesiphorus, his wife and children, was keeping a fast in a certain cave, which was in the road from Iconium to Daphne.

2 And when they had fasted for several days, the children said to Paul, Father, we are hungry, and have not wherewithal to buy bread; for Onesiphorus had left all his substance to follow Paul with his family.

p. 105a

p. 105b


1. Entrance to the confines of Hell.

2. Charon in his bark.

3. The Minotaur roaring at the approach of condemned souls.

4. Souls agitated by the impure breath of evil spirits.

5. Cerberus devouring the souls of gourmands.

6. The avaricious and prodigal condemned to carry burdens.

7. The envious and angry cast into the Styx.

8. Tower and wall of the evil city.

9. In this ditch are those who have sinned against their neighbors; Centaurs shoot arrows at them.

10. Those who have sinned against themselves are here tormented by Harpies.

11. Rain of fire for those who have sinned against God.

12. Soul of the tyrant Gerion cast into the flames.

13. Debauchees and corruptors of youth flogged by devils.

14. Poisonous gulf into which flatterers are plunged.

15. Lake of fire in the caldrons into which Simonaics are cast.

16. Sorcerers and diviners, their faces turned backward.

17. Bog of boiling pitch for cheats, thieves, and deceivers.

18. Hypocrite crucified.

19. Perfidious advisers plunged into a flaming ditch.

20. For scandalous persons: one holds his head in his hand.

21. Robbers and other criminals tormented by a centaur armed with serpents.

22. Alchemists and quacks a prey to leprosy.

23. Well of ice, for traitors and the ungrateful.

24. Pluto in the midst of a glacier devouring the damned.

25. The holy city of Jerusalem.

p. 105

3 Then Paul, taking off his coat, said to the boy, Go, child, and buy bread, and bring it hither.

4 But while the boy was buying the bread, he saw his neighbour Thecla and was surprised, and said to her. Thecla, where are you going?

5 She replied, I am in pursuit of Paul, having been delivered from the flames.

6 The boy then said, I will bring you to him, for he is under great concern on your account, and has been in prayer and fasting these six days.

7 ¶ When Thecla came to the cave, she found Paul upon his knees praying and saying, O holy Father, O Lord Jesus Christ, grant that the fire may not touch Thecla; but be her helper, for she is thy servant.

8 Thecla then standing behind him, cried out in the following words: O sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the Father of thy beloved and holy Son, I praise thee that thou hast preserved me from the fire, to see Paul again.

9 Paul then arose, and when he saw her, said, O God, who searchest the heart, Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, I praise thee that thou hast answered my prayer.

10 ¶ And there prevailed among them in the cave an entire affection to each other; Paul, Onesiphorus, and all that were with them being filled with joy.

11 They had five loaves, some herbs and water, and they solaced each other in reflections upon the holy works of Christ.

12 Then said Thecla to Paul, If you be pleased with it, I will follow you whithersoever you go.

13 He replied to her, Persons are now much given to fornication, and you being handsome, I am afraid lest you should meet with greater temptation than the former, and should not withstand, but be overcome by it.

14 Thecla replied, Grant me only the seal of Christ, and no temptation shall affect me.

15 Paul answered, Thecla, wait with patience, and you shall receive the gift of Christ.

Source: https://sacred-texts.com/bib/lbob/lbob14.htm


Paul is condemned to the mines in an unknown place. Longinus and Firmilla have a daughter, Frontina, who is to be thrown down from a rock, and Paul with her. It is my distinct opinion that Fontina is already dead: her body is to be thus contumeliously treated because she has become a Christian.

The upper part of the page has Longinus twice in lines 1, 2; 'Paul' in 1.7. Then:

For since . . . . the mine, there hath not . . . nothing good hath befallen mine house. And he advised that the men which were to throw Frontina down, should throw down Paul also with her, alive. Now Paul knew these things, but he worked fasting, in great cheerfulness, for two days with the prisoners. They commanded that on the third day the men . . . . should bring forth Frontina: and the whole city followed after her. And Firmilla and Longinus lamented and the soldiers . . . But the prisoners carried the bed (bier). And when Paul saw the great mourning with the daughter and eight . . .

Next page, line 8. Paul alive with the daughter. But when Paul had taken the daughter in his arms, he groaned unto the Lord Jesus Christ because of the sorrow of Firmilla, and cast himself on his knees in the mire . . . . praying for Frontina with her in one (a) prayer. In that hour Frontina rose up. And the whole multitude was afraid, and fled. Paul took the hand of the daughter and led her through the city unto the house of Longinus, and the whole multitude said with one voice: God is one, who hath made heaven and earth, who hath granted the life of the daughter in the presence of Paul . . . a loaf. and he gave thanks to him.

Some lines later.

to Philippi (?).

Source: https://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/actspaul.html

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